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Author umaxx
Recipients umaxx
Date 2007-12-30.14:18:35
SpamBayes Score 0.02290279
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
here comes a simple patch for linecache core module, which does the

- remove double comment
- instead of adding all lines with readlines() to the cache, just add
seek points for every line
- return lines from cached seek-points instead directly from dict-cache

advantages of this patch:

- reading lines from very big files (>1GB) is no problem anymore
- linecache can handle a large number of large files now 
- updatecache() is faster now because "for line in fp:" is faster than


- reading a single line from cache will be a little bit slower, then
before because of extra open() call to the file


- this diff presents a different caching approach which is able to
handle a lot of large files too


- the code is ugly and unstructured, someone needs to beautify it
- an extra function: get_list_of_lines_from_list_of_linenumbers() would
be nice to have
- test-cases for cache-consistence would be nice to have
File name Uploaded umaxx, 2007-12-30.14:18:36
Date User Action Args
2007-12-30 14:18:38umaxxsetspambayes_score: 0.0229028 -> 0.02290279
recipients: + umaxx
2007-12-30 14:18:38umaxxsetspambayes_score: 0.0229028 -> 0.0229028
messageid: <>
2007-12-30 14:18:38umaxxlinkissue1708 messages
2007-12-30 14:18:37umaxxcreate