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Author theller
Recipients gvanrossum, theller
Date 2007-12-12.20:11:38
SpamBayes Score 0.0071279053
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Guido van Rossum schrieb:
> Thanks!  (I agree with Eric Smith that this is mysterious for the
> innocent bystander.)

I have added a comment.

> Also, what about the -33/+33 leaks?  I suppose these are harmless, but
> it would be better if the test reliably didn't report leaks...

I am using my own definition of leaking:  a test is leaking if references
grow without bounds ;-).

Ok, I found that the test in charge is Lib/ctypes/test/,
LoaderTest.test_find.  This test uses the ctypes.util.find_library function,
which contains several calls to os.popen(...).read().

The minimal code reporting the -33/+33 leaks that I found is simply this:


Is there a problem in "os.popen(...)", or do I something wrong here?
Date User Action Args
2007-12-12 20:11:39thellersetspambayes_score: 0.00712791 -> 0.0071279053
recipients: + theller, gvanrossum
2007-12-12 20:11:39thellerlinkissue1597 messages
2007-12-12 20:11:38thellercreate