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Author pmawhorter
Recipients pmawhorter
Date 2007-11-28.02:10:40
SpamBayes Score 0.011835643
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The current documentation for the sqlite3 module on the web fails to 
make any mention of the fetch* functions posessed by the Cursor class 
of that module. It in fact gives no indication of how one should 
extract results from sql queries. The docstrings in the module (viewed 
using the help() function) are woefully incomplete, and are 
inconsistent with the function names:

 |  fetchall(...)
 |      Fetches one row from the resultset.
 |  fetchmany(...)
 |      Fetches all rows from the resultset.
 |  fetchone(...)
 |      Fetches several rows from the resultset.

Both of these things need to be fixed in order for this module to be 
useful for someone who doesn't already know how to use it.
Date User Action Args
2007-11-28 02:10:43pmawhortersetspambayes_score: 0.0118356 -> 0.011835643
recipients: + pmawhorter
2007-11-28 02:10:42pmawhortersetspambayes_score: 0.0118356 -> 0.0118356
messageid: <>
2007-11-28 02:10:42pmawhorterlinkissue1509 messages
2007-11-28 02:10:41pmawhortercreate