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Author ghaering
Recipients anthonybaxter, ghaering, loewis, nnorwitz, oinopion
Date 2007-11-22.10:48:02
SpamBayes Score 0.0010439025
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
We'll make sure there's an updated SQLite DLL in Python 2.6 and Python
3.0. It's not worth the effort for 2.5.2. There's always the workaround
of users installing an updated DLL themselves.
Date User Action Args
2007-11-22 10:48:03ghaeringsetspambayes_score: 0.0010439 -> 0.0010439025
recipients: + ghaering, loewis, nnorwitz, anthonybaxter, oinopion
2007-11-22 10:48:03ghaeringsetspambayes_score: 0.0010439 -> 0.0010439
messageid: <>
2007-11-22 10:48:02ghaeringlinkissue1733085 messages
2007-11-22 10:48:02ghaeringcreate