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Author ncoghlan
Recipients doko, gvanrossum, ncoghlan, nnorwitz
Date 2007-11-07.12:42:17
SpamBayes Score 0.038444795
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I just compared the 2.5 test_resource with the trunk test_resource - the
latter has been modified to remove the file size limitation before it
attempts to close the file, eliminating the test failure without
changing the underlying behaviour of f.close.
Date User Action Args
2007-11-07 12:42:17ncoghlansetspambayes_score: 0.0384448 -> 0.038444795
recipients: + ncoghlan, gvanrossum, nnorwitz, doko
2007-11-07 12:42:17ncoghlansetspambayes_score: 0.0384448 -> 0.0384448
messageid: <>
2007-11-07 12:42:17ncoghlanlinkissue1291 messages
2007-11-07 12:42:17ncoghlancreate