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Author dmazz
Recipients dmazz, loewis
Date 2007-10-30.13:07:16
SpamBayes Score 0.3550339
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Yes, it is normally suppressed.  The problem is the condition when it is
suppressed.  The documentation states that it's suppressed when it's the
only value to be written.

It is suppressed when it's *not* the only value to be written. 
-or- (removing the double negative of suppressed(not displayed) and not)
It is displayed when it would be the only value written.

The example immediately following this mistake is correct, which makes
the actual behavior obvious even if this particular statement is wrong.
Date User Action Args
2007-10-30 13:07:17dmazzsetspambayes_score: 0.355034 -> 0.3550339
recipients: + dmazz, loewis
2007-10-30 13:07:17dmazzsetspambayes_score: 0.355034 -> 0.355034
messageid: <>
2007-10-30 13:07:17dmazzlinkissue1362 messages
2007-10-30 13:07:17dmazzcreate