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Author MrJean1
Recipients MrJean1, gvanrossum, nnorwitz
Date 2007-10-27.00:28:18
SpamBayes Score 0.36900613
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The 3.0a1 build --with-pydebug behaves the same as before (on Linux).  The 
problem does occur without gdb but not with gdb.
Date User Action Args
2007-10-27 00:28:18MrJean1setspambayes_score: 0.369006 -> 0.36900613
recipients: + MrJean1, gvanrossum, nnorwitz
2007-10-27 00:28:18MrJean1setspambayes_score: 0.369006 -> 0.369006
messageid: <>
2007-10-27 00:28:18MrJean1linkissue1329 messages
2007-10-27 00:28:18MrJean1create