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Author const
Recipients ced, const, mark.dickinson, pekka.klarck, petr.viktorin, rhettinger, skrah
Date 2022-03-02.23:45:33
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Some other non-matching exceptions are unfriendly, but do not come from libmpdec and could be made to match without, I think, causing problems.  For example:

    >>> format(_decimal.Decimal(1), "invalid")
    ValueError: invalid format string
    >>> format(_pydecimal.Decimal(1), "invalid")
    ValueError: Invalid format specifier: invalid

Would it make sense to make a patch to make these match?
Date User Action Args
2022-03-02 23:45:33constsetrecipients: + const, rhettinger, mark.dickinson, ced, petr.viktorin, skrah, pekka.klarck
2022-03-02 23:45:33constsetmessageid: <>
2022-03-02 23:45:33constlinkissue26208 messages
2022-03-02 23:45:33constcreate