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Author iritkatriel
Recipients Arfrever, David.Manowitz, docs@python, ggenellina, iritkatriel, jgehrcke, martin.panter, pitrou, stutzbach, terry.reedy, vidhya
Date 2022-03-01.17:33:49
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Vidhya, I think the sentence you are suggesting to add would overlap with one which is already there ("Since exit() ultimately “only” raises an exception, it will only exit the process when called from the main thread, and the exception is not intercepted.")

It seems to me that what could be improved is the first paragraph, which starts with: "Exit from Python.".   Maybe instead it could say something like "Raise a SystemExit exception, which has the effect of ..." and then say what it is (i.e., that it exits python if you are in the main thread, unless the exception is caught... ).
Date User Action Args
2022-03-01 17:33:49iritkatrielsetrecipients: + iritkatriel, terry.reedy, ggenellina, pitrou, stutzbach, Arfrever, jgehrcke, docs@python, martin.panter, David.Manowitz, vidhya
2022-03-01 17:33:49iritkatrielsetmessageid: <>
2022-03-01 17:33:49iritkatriellinkissue6634 messages
2022-03-01 17:33:49iritkatrielcreate