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Author christian.heimes
Recipients amaury.forgeotdarc, belopolsky, christian.heimes, meador.inge, ned.deily
Date 2021-10-24.12:05:01
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The helper function grep_headers_for() is used by ctypes build step to search header files for functions. The function kinda works on most platforms, but only by accident. On my system it opens all header files that match /usr/include/*.h and returns true if any (!) header file contains the string (!) "ffi_prep_cif_var". The check would also match "ffi_prep_cif_var" in a comment of an unrelated header file.

We cannot limit the search to "ffi.h" only, because that would break multiarch builds with a header file like this:

    #if defined(__i386__)
    #include "ffi-i386.h"
    #elif defined(__powerpc64__)
    #include "ffi-ppc64.h"


1) Use "AC_EGREP_HEADER" autoconf macro. It runs a header file through the C preprocessor
2) Use AC_LINK_IFELSE autoconf macro. This macro compiles and links code to detect if a library exports a function.
3) Re-implement any of the macros in pure Python (ugh!)
4) Just assume that libffi supports ffi_prep_cif_var, ffi_prep_closure_loc, and ffi_closure_alloc on our target platforms. According to [1] the functions have been around for over a decade.

I favor (4).

Ned, what about USING_APPLE_OS_LIBFFI? Is it still relevant?

Date User Action Args
2021-10-24 12:05:01christian.heimessetrecipients: + christian.heimes, amaury.forgeotdarc, belopolsky, ned.deily, meador.inge
2021-10-24 12:05:01christian.heimessetmessageid: <>
2021-10-24 12:05:01christian.heimeslinkissue45598 messages
2021-10-24 12:05:01christian.heimescreate