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Author Akuli
Recipients Akuli, epaine, serhiy.storchaka, terry.reedy
Date 2021-07-17.18:17:08
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Here are the options:

- Do nothing. My program will error in some corner cases.

- Change it to return `None`, so `widget.focus_get() is not None` no longer means "this application doesn't have focus", but rather "this application doesn't have focus or the focused widget was not created in tkinter". Note that `focus_get()` can already return None, and we would just add one more situation where it does so.

- Change tkinter so that it doesn't matter whether a widget was created in tkinter or not. This doesn't seem to be easy.
Date User Action Args
2021-07-17 18:17:08Akulisetrecipients: + Akuli, terry.reedy, serhiy.storchaka, epaine
2021-07-17 18:17:08Akulisetmessageid: <>
2021-07-17 18:17:08Akulilinkissue44592 messages
2021-07-17 18:17:08Akulicreate