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Author erlendaasland
Recipients berker.peksag, erlendaasland, ghaering, lciti
Date 2021-05-18.23:15:37
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> I believe the reason for this problem is that the exception happened in the
> implicit `commit` that is run on exiting the context manager, rather than
> inside it. In fact the exception is in the `pass` line rather than in the
> `execute` line. This exception did not trigger a `rollback` because the it
> happened after `pysqlite_connection_exit` checks for exceptions.

FYI, here's the SQLite API interaction from the context manager, chronologically (using the test from the PR). (I only show the relevant arguments passed to the API, for readability.)

sqlite3_prepare_v2("insert into t values('test')", insert_stmt) => SQLITE_OK
# Note, the insert statement is now prepared, but not executed yet.

# Transaction control now begins
sqlite3_prepare_v2("BEGIN ", begin_stmt) => SQLITE_OK
sqlite3_step(begin_stmt) => SQLITE_DONE

# Here, the insert statement is executed
sqlite3_step(insert_stmt) => SQLITE_DONE
sqlite3_reset(insert_stmt) => SQLITE_OK

# Enter __exit__: no exception has been raised, so it tries to commit
sqlite3_prepare_v2("commit", commit_stmt) => SQLITE_OK
sqlite3_step(commit_stmt) => SQLITE_BUSY (database is locked)

# After the fix, rollback is now executed
sqlite3_prepare_v2("rollback", rollback_stmt)
sqlite3_step(rollback_stmt) => SQLITE_DONE

As you can see, it does not fail (and raise an exception) until commit is issued inside __exit__.
Date User Action Args
2021-05-18 23:15:37erlendaaslandsetrecipients: + erlendaasland, ghaering, berker.peksag, lciti
2021-05-18 23:15:37erlendaaslandsetmessageid: <>
2021-05-18 23:15:37erlendaaslandlinkissue27334 messages
2021-05-18 23:15:37erlendaaslandcreate