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Author erlendaasland
Recipients Mark.Shannon, corona10, erlendaasland, gvanrossum, serhiy.storchaka, shihai1991, vstinner
Date 2021-04-24.22:38:50
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> Does the test suite pass for apply-to-all.diff?

No, multiple tests fail. First test_distutils fails, then during the re-run, test_multiprocessing_forkserver, test_multiprocessing_spawn, and test_pdb fail.

> Also, quite a hornet's nest you've uncovered (about __class__ assignment).

Yes, indeed. Apropos, I see that bpo-24991 is still open.

> Would that be fixed better with the IMMUTABLE flag?

That would be a change of functionality, given that we apply the immutable flag to all built-in types. Currently __class__ assignment is allowed for heap types, and it has been so for many years.

I feel reluctant to add apply-to-all.diff to the PR right now.
Date User Action Args
2021-04-24 22:38:50erlendaaslandsetrecipients: + erlendaasland, gvanrossum, vstinner, Mark.Shannon, serhiy.storchaka, corona10, shihai1991
2021-04-24 22:38:50erlendaaslandsetmessageid: <>
2021-04-24 22:38:50erlendaaslandlinkissue43908 messages
2021-04-24 22:38:50erlendaaslandcreate