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Author xtreak
Recipients augustogoulart, barry, brett.cannon, eric.smith, ezio.melotti, methane, michael.foord, rbcollins, xtreak
Date 2020-07-19.08:06:48
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I didn't know packages without are namespace packages back then and used empty packages. I guess it's related to the other issues with unittest and namespace packages issue36723, issue23882 and issue35617
Date User Action Args
2020-07-19 08:06:48xtreaksetrecipients: + xtreak, barry, brett.cannon, eric.smith, rbcollins, ezio.melotti, michael.foord, methane, augustogoulart
2020-07-19 08:06:48xtreaksetmessageid: <>
2020-07-19 08:06:48xtreaklinkissue36777 messages
2020-07-19 08:06:48xtreakcreate