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Author xdegaye
Recipients Alex.Willmer, barry, doko, dstufft, eric.araujo, martin.panter, pmpp, vstinner, xdegaye, yan12125, zach.ware
Date 2019-11-30.21:11:29
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
PR 17420 fixes cross-compilation of third-party extension modules.

The PYTHON_PROJECT_BASE environment variable is the path to the directory where Python has been cross-compiled. It is used by the native python interpreter to find the target sysconfigdata module.

For example the following command builds a wheel file to be transfered and installed with pip on the target platform, provided the native python interpreter and the cross-compiled one both have the wheel package installed:

  $ PYTHON_PROJECT_BASE=/path/to/builddir python bdist_wheel
Date User Action Args
2019-11-30 21:11:29xdegayesetrecipients: + xdegaye, barry, doko, vstinner, eric.araujo, pmpp, martin.panter, zach.ware, dstufft, Alex.Willmer, yan12125
2019-11-30 21:11:29xdegayesetmessageid: <>
2019-11-30 21:11:29xdegayelinkissue28833 messages
2019-11-30 21:11:29xdegayecreate