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Author vstinner
Recipients giampaolo.rodola, kristjan.jonsson, martin.panter, pitrou, vstinner
Date 2019-10-10.08:18:30
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Antoine Pitrou: "...  I'm against this change ..."

Martin Panter: "... But this seems unreasonable to me. ..."

I close the issue. You can use asyncio for non-blocking networking code. Or have a look at Twisted, Tornado, eventlet, etc.

If you really want to hack socketserver, I suggest you to copy the whole file. But asynchronous programming is a hard problem which requires more than modiying a single function. Slowly, you will built something similar the the project that I cited.
Date User Action Args
2019-10-10 08:18:30vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, pitrou, kristjan.jonsson, giampaolo.rodola, martin.panter
2019-10-10 08:18:30vstinnersetmessageid: <>
2019-10-10 08:18:30vstinnerlinkissue14307 messages
2019-10-10 08:18:30vstinnercreate