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Author p-ganssle
Recipients Alex.LordThorsen, akira, belopolsky, berker.peksag, cool-RR, inglesp, p-ganssle, r.david.murray
Date 2019-04-09.14:29:01
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
@Alex LordThorsen: It will accept EST if EST is one of your "local" time zones, so whatever's in `time.tzname`.

In the short term, I think the right thing to do would be to update the documentation to remove the reference to "EST", and add an explanatory note in the section about %Z that explains that it accepts a few hard-coded values + whatever's in `time.tzname`.

In the long run, I think the best "out of the box" support we can provide would be supporting %Z when %z is present (per Alexander's suggestion), and possibly something akin to `dateutil`'s "tzinfos", where a mapping between abbreviations and `tzinfo` objects could be passed to `strptime` explicitly.
Date User Action Args
2019-04-09 14:29:02p-gansslesetrecipients: + p-ganssle, belopolsky, r.david.murray, cool-RR, akira, inglesp, berker.peksag, Alex.LordThorsen
2019-04-09 14:29:01p-gansslesetmessageid: <>
2019-04-09 14:29:01p-gansslelinkissue22377 messages
2019-04-09 14:29:01p-gansslecreate