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Author pablogsal
Recipients Melebius, chrahunt, glyph, gwk, kakshay, pablogsal, r.david.murray, torsten
Date 2019-01-22.22:55:33
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I think this is a documentation issue today. The docs say:

>If an exception is raised during execution of the exit handlers, a traceback
>is printed (unless SystemExit is raised) and the exception 
>information is saved. After all exit handlers have had a chance to run the
>last exception to be raised is re-raised.

Which is true except for two things:

- SystemExit is not covered by the paragraph (it just says that SystemExit will not print a traceback but what actually happens is that is ignored).
- The last exception is not re-raised (as it was on Python2.7).

I think we should update the docs to reflect that SystemExit is ignored and to remove that the last exception is re-raised.
Date User Action Args
2019-01-22 22:55:35pablogsalsetrecipients: + pablogsal, glyph, r.david.murray, torsten, gwk, Melebius, chrahunt, kakshay
2019-01-22 22:55:33pablogsalsetmessageid: <>
2019-01-22 22:55:33pablogsallinkissue27035 messages
2019-01-22 22:55:33pablogsalcreate