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Author lazka
Recipients CyberJacob, Decorater, Matt Groth, ellisj, eric.araujo, lazka, mwh, ncoghlan, pitrou, tiagoaoa, tim.peters, undercoveridiot, vlasovskikh, vstinner
Date 2018-08-31.17:01:00
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
To add one more use case for this:

concurrent.futures.Future.add_done_callback() currently ignores exceptions for the callback and just logs them which is easy to miss. I assume because it's not clear when and in which thread it gets called, and there is no "right" way to handle it.

It would be nice if it would call something like sys.excepthook instead.
Date User Action Args
2018-08-31 17:01:00lazkasetrecipients: + lazka, mwh, tim.peters, ncoghlan, ellisj, pitrou, vstinner, tiagoaoa, eric.araujo, undercoveridiot, vlasovskikh, Decorater, CyberJacob, Matt Groth
2018-08-31 17:01:00lazkasetmessageid: <>
2018-08-31 17:01:00lazkalinkissue1230540 messages
2018-08-31 17:01:00lazkacreate