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Author josh.r
Recipients _doublep, ajaksu2, belopolsky, fniessink, jdemeyer, josh.r, loewis, serhiy.storchaka, westley.martinez
Date 2018-06-22.00:48:30
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
If [].append == [].append is True in the "unique set of callbacks" scenario, that implies that it's perfectly fine to not call one of them when both are registered. But this means that only one list ends up getting updated, when you tried to register both for updates. That's definitely surprising, and not in a good way.
Date User Action Args
2018-06-22 00:48:31josh.rsetrecipients: + josh.r, loewis, belopolsky, fniessink, ajaksu2, _doublep, westley.martinez, serhiy.storchaka, jdemeyer
2018-06-22 00:48:31josh.rsetmessageid: <>
2018-06-22 00:48:31josh.rlinkissue1617161 messages
2018-06-22 00:48:30josh.rcreate