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Author Oz.Tiram
Recipients Aaron.Meurer, Daniel.Walsh, Ingo.Fischer, Oz.Tiram, Pavel Raiskup, acucci, adregner, andialbrecht, asmeurer, bethard, bignose, bochecha, dmalcolm, eric.araujo, josh.r, jwilk, louielu, matthewjohn, pablogsal, paul.j3, rhettinger, serhiy.storchaka, sigi, tshepang, zbysz
Date 2018-06-15.10:07:58
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
As already pointed out, it can get the parser somehow, you don't need  an explicit extra option --man. That's the approach suggesed in:

man-argparse and attached here

You can use it a make file like this:

      ./ build_manpage 
      ./ install
      install -D -m 644 foo.1 ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/man/man1
Date User Action Args
2018-06-15 10:07:58Oz.Tiramsetrecipients: + Oz.Tiram, rhettinger, bethard, jwilk, eric.araujo, zbysz, dmalcolm, Aaron.Meurer, bignose, andialbrecht, bochecha, tshepang, paul.j3, sigi, Daniel.Walsh, serhiy.storchaka, Ingo.Fischer, adregner, josh.r, acucci, matthewjohn, louielu, pablogsal, asmeurer, Pavel Raiskup
2018-06-15 10:07:58Oz.Tiramsetmessageid: <>
2018-06-15 10:07:58Oz.Tiramlinkissue14102 messages
2018-06-15 10:07:58Oz.Tiramcreate