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Author belopolsky
Recipients Anders.Hovmöller, Arfrever, Elvis.Pranskevichus, Eric.Hanchrow, Roman.Evstifeev, SilentGhost, aymeric.augustin, barry, belopolsky, berker.peksag, cben, cvrebert, davydov, deronnax, eric.araujo, flying sheep, jcea, jstasiak, jwilk, karlcow, kirpit, larsonreever, martin.panter, mcepl, mihaic, nagle, ncoghlan, p-ganssle, pbryan, perey, piotr.dobrogost, r.david.murray, roysmith, sirex, vstinner
Date 2017-12-05.00:41:30
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
+1 on what Paul said.

Mathieu, the goal for 3.7 will be to get Paul's PR merged.  It will be great if you could help in reviewing it.  We can return to the features in your PR during the 3.8 development cycle.
Date User Action Args
2017-12-05 00:41:30belopolskysetrecipients: + belopolsky, barry, jcea, cben, roysmith, ncoghlan, nagle, vstinner, jwilk, mcepl, eric.araujo, Arfrever, r.david.murray, davydov, cvrebert, karlcow, SilentGhost, Elvis.Pranskevichus, perey, flying sheep, mihaic, aymeric.augustin, Roman.Evstifeev, berker.peksag, martin.panter, piotr.dobrogost, kirpit, Anders.Hovmöller, jstasiak, Eric.Hanchrow, deronnax, pbryan, p-ganssle, sirex, larsonreever
2017-12-05 00:41:30belopolskysetmessageid: <>
2017-12-05 00:41:30belopolskylinkissue15873 messages
2017-12-05 00:41:30belopolskycreate