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Author webknjaz
Recipients Zero, rhettinger, webknjaz
Date 2017-09-14.09:26:05
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>

I've got similar need (caching exceptions). My use case is syscall, which is not going to result in something different regardless of the number of times it's called. But I'd like to be able to have exception already raised for me by lru_cache, so that I won't poke kernel with no need.

I'd suggest adding `cache_exceptions=False` key to the decorator to let user control whether it's worth enabling. This might be useful in stdlib.
Date User Action Args
2017-09-14 09:26:05webknjazsetrecipients: + webknjaz, rhettinger, Zero
2017-09-14 09:26:05webknjazsetmessageid: <>
2017-09-14 09:26:05webknjazlinkissue21537 messages
2017-09-14 09:26:05webknjazcreate