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Author vstinner
Recipients jkloth, louielu, terry.reedy, vstinner
Date 2017-06-19.11:43:32
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> Before implementing this as a PR, I would like guidance as to the best place to integrate this:
> 1. as os.getloadavg(),
> 2. in _testcapi
> 3. in winapi (although it is a conglomeration of WinAPIs)
> 4. in regrtest (as Python).

That's tough question. Usuaully, the os module is a thin wrapper to native functions. os.getloadavg() calls C getloadavg(). It doesn't implement the logic to open /proc/loadavg and parses it.

Can I see the code somewhere before giving an answer? :-)

If you want to add a public function, you must open a new issue.

In case of doubt, we might start with a first implementation in libregrtest?
Date User Action Args
2017-06-19 11:43:33vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, terry.reedy, jkloth, louielu
2017-06-19 11:43:33vstinnersetmessageid: <>
2017-06-19 11:43:33vstinnerlinkissue30263 messages
2017-06-19 11:43:32vstinnercreate