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Author Codey Oxley
Recipients Codey Oxley, gvanrossum, yselivanov
Date 2017-03-01.18:52:55
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Expanding an async_generator to any container-type currently makes you do an async-for loop/comprehension. There are some third-party libs (aitertools) that have helpers but it would be nice for this to be upstream for list, tuple, dict, set, etc.

Usage might be:

expanded: List[int] = await asyncio.list(gen())
Date User Action Args
2017-03-01 18:52:55Codey Oxleysetrecipients: + Codey Oxley, gvanrossum, yselivanov
2017-03-01 18:52:55Codey Oxleysetmessageid: <>
2017-03-01 18:52:55Codey Oxleylinkissue29689 messages
2017-03-01 18:52:55Codey Oxleycreate