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Author marco.buttu
Recipients Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard, docs@python, marco.buttu, rhettinger, terry.reedy, wolma
Date 2017-03-01.08:55:06
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> I don't see this point. The other section titles are not about
> loops. The preceding chapter introduces while loops as a loop,
> not a statement, and this chapter talks about while and for
> loops further down the page.

What I mean is that currently in every section (of this chapter) about a statemet, the statement is qualified as "statement": "if Statements", "for Statements", "pass Statements", and "break and continue Statements, and else Clauses on Loops". The last one is not an exeption, bacause we have already introduced for and while, and writing "break and continue Statements, and else Clauses on for and while statements" IMO is redundant. 

I like the current structure of titles, because IMO helps beginners to better classify things (statements, functions, ...), and it is not clear to me the objective motivation for changing "for Statemets" to "for Loops", breaking the structure given by the original author.
Date User Action Args
2017-03-01 08:55:06marco.buttusetrecipients: + marco.buttu, rhettinger, terry.reedy, docs@python, wolma, Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard
2017-03-01 08:55:06marco.buttusetmessageid: <>
2017-03-01 08:55:06marco.buttulinkissue29414 messages
2017-03-01 08:55:06marco.buttucreate