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Author wolma
Recipients Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard, docs@python, marco.buttu, rhettinger, terry.reedy, wolma
Date 2017-03-01.07:28:16
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> [...] I prefere the chapter as it currently is, because IMHO it
> introduces the concepts more gradually than your proposal.

That's ok! It's your PR and I only wanted to show an alternative.
I was hoping for a bit more people to provide feedback though.

The main reason I'm interested in changes to the tutorial is because
I'm teaching Python to undergraduates (not in CS, but in Biology) and
I recommend them to work through the Tutorial alongside the course so
I have a natural interest in its quality and really appreciate any
improvement, which I think your PR is certainly offering :)

Let me still comment on some of your points regarding my suggestion:

> In addition the modification of the title section from "for
> Statements" to "for Loops" IMHO makes the title not consistent with
> the other section titles.

I don't see this point. The other section titles are not about loops.
The preceding chapter introduces while loops as a loop, not a
statement, and this chapter talks about while and for loops further
down the page. 

>> - restructured the for loop section to discuss Python for loops
>> first and only compare them to Pascal/C afterwards
> +0. I think for a reader who is coming from another language is better
> to have the current introduction. But maybe it is not the same for a
> reader who is learning Python as a first programming language.

I don't agree with you on this. I'm coming from a C background myself,
but if I want to learn a new language the first thing I'm interested in
is not how it's *not* working, but how it does.
Plus, it's 2017, Perl has foreach, Javascript has at least
array.foreach and even C++11 has auto-iteration over collections so starting an explanation of for loops with 'hey, look Python is different 
from two > 40 years old languages' feels a bit outdated.

Regarding my main point of removing most of the ranges section it is
possible I went a bit too far with that and maybe one should still
briefly mention the optional start argument and stress that stop is not
included in the range, but my seealso is quite prominent and the linked
section on range is pretty good.
Date User Action Args
2017-03-01 07:28:16wolmasetrecipients: + wolma, rhettinger, terry.reedy, docs@python, marco.buttu, Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard
2017-03-01 07:28:16wolmasetmessageid: <>
2017-03-01 07:28:16wolmalinkissue29414 messages
2017-03-01 07:28:16wolmacreate