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Author steven.daprano
Recipients anthony-flury, docs@python, mark.dickinson, r.david.murray, steven.daprano
Date 2016-08-31.00:30:40
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> I do think that the documentation could be a lot clearer.

Which specific documentation are you referring to? The "What's New" document from 3.0? That's a historical document, a snapshot of the past.

If you have a concern about the current documentation, can you tell us specifically where and what?
Date User Action Args
2016-08-31 00:30:41steven.dapranosetrecipients: + steven.daprano, mark.dickinson, r.david.murray, docs@python, anthony-flury
2016-08-31 00:30:41steven.dapranosetmessageid: <>
2016-08-31 00:30:40steven.dapranolinkissue27901 messages
2016-08-31 00:30:40steven.dapranocreate