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Author denimpowell
Recipients denimpowell, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
Date 2016-07-26.19:20:13
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Thanks so much Steve I got it working right away!

I peeked into the and saw that it also depended on some local exe files.  Copied both of those to the embedded and everything worked like a charm.  I did read the documentation previously so I thought the only real dependency was the C Runtime.  Working on a network without any net access I have to bring in libraries we version, so basically what you describe "vendoring".

If you have time to answer I would like to understand why this particular item is not part of the embedded.  Or why is it in the regular install by default?  When I look at the distutils documentation there is very little information about this file.  Is this particular item a 3rd party not core python or?  In any case thanks for the help again.
Date User Action Args
2016-07-26 19:20:13denimpowellsetrecipients: + denimpowell, paul.moore, tim.golden, zach.ware, steve.dower
2016-07-26 19:20:13denimpowellsetmessageid: <>
2016-07-26 19:20:13denimpowelllinkissue27617 messages
2016-07-26 19:20:13denimpowellcreate