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Author xdegaye
Recipients martin.panter, xdegaye
Date 2016-06-15.09:29:16
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Not sure if this is relevant, I am using:
    readline 6.3
    ncurses 6.0

The test runs fine when run alone, with the 8991930 random seed:

$ ./python -bb -E -Wd -m test -r -w -uall --randseed 8991930
======================================================================                      [3/1338]
FAIL: test_input_tty_non_ascii (test.test_builtin.PtyTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/xavier/src/python/default/Lib/test/", line 1583, in test_input_tty_non_
    self.check_input_tty("prompté", b"quux\xe9", "utf-8")
  File "/home/xavier/src/python/default/Lib/test/", line 1574, in check_input_tty
    self.assertEqual(input_result, expected)
AssertionError: 'quux' != 'quux\udce9'
- quux
+ quux\udce9
?     +

FAIL: test_input_tty_non_ascii_unicode_errors (test.test_builtin.PtyTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/xavier/src/python/default/Lib/test/", line 1587, in test_input_tty_non_
    self.check_input_tty("prompté", b"quux\xe9", "ascii")
  File "/home/xavier/src/python/default/Lib/test/", line 1574, in check_input_tty
    self.assertEqual(input_result, expected)
AssertionError: 'quux' != 'quux\udce9'
- quux
+ quux\udce9
?     +
Date User Action Args
2016-06-15 09:29:17xdegayesetrecipients: + xdegaye, martin.panter
2016-06-15 09:29:17xdegayesetmessageid: <>
2016-06-15 09:29:17xdegayelinkissue27325 messages
2016-06-15 09:29:16xdegayecreate