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Author serhiy.storchaka
Recipients Alex.Willmer, belopolsky, lemburg, serhiy.storchaka, xdegaye
Date 2016-05-03.21:27:26
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
There is other bug at the last week of a year:

import datetime
for i in range(25, 32):
    print(, 12, i).strftime('%Y %U %w   %G %V %u'))

for i in range(1, 10):
    print(, 1, i).strftime('%Y %U %w   %G %V %u'))
Date User Action Args
2016-05-03 21:27:26serhiy.storchakasetrecipients: + serhiy.storchaka, lemburg, belopolsky, xdegaye, Alex.Willmer
2016-05-03 21:27:26serhiy.storchakasetmessageid: <>
2016-05-03 21:27:26serhiy.storchakalinkissue26929 messages
2016-05-03 21:27:26serhiy.storchakacreate