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Author wolma
Recipients mscuthbert, rhettinger, serhiy.storchaka, wolma
Date 2016-05-02.09:30:35
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Given your comment about sum((fullacount & fullbcount).values()), why not use its in-place version:

fullacount &= fullbcount
matches = sum(fullacount.values())

Date User Action Args
2016-05-02 09:30:35wolmasetrecipients: + wolma, rhettinger, serhiy.storchaka, mscuthbert
2016-05-02 09:30:35wolmasetmessageid: <>
2016-05-02 09:30:35wolmalinkissue26904 messages
2016-05-02 09:30:35wolmacreate