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Author brett.cannon
Recipients Mark.Shannon, brett.cannon, gvanrossum, python-dev, rhettinger, serhiy.storchaka, vstinner
Date 2016-01-18.21:30:37
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
There's technically no need to worry about ranged values as the magic number is purely an equality check to see if the interpreter matches what the .pyc was created with. I guess there might be third-party code that does a range check, but that's bad as importlib checks the raw bytes only; using a number is mostly a convenience for changing it.
Date User Action Args
2016-01-18 21:30:37brett.cannonsetrecipients: + brett.cannon, gvanrossum, rhettinger, vstinner, Mark.Shannon, python-dev, serhiy.storchaka
2016-01-18 21:30:37brett.cannonsetmessageid: <>
2016-01-18 21:30:37brett.cannonlinkissue26107 messages
2016-01-18 21:30:37brett.cannoncreate