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Author sleepycal
Recipients ncoghlan, sleepycal
Date 2015-11-23.14:49:24
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Originally posted here:

The problem is caused by this line:

    # For -m switch, just display the exception
    info = str(exc)

Caused by the following commit in 2008;

The commit states;
"Try to make command line error messages from runpy easier to understand (and suppress traceback cruft from the implicitly invoked runpy machinery)"

However by suppressing the traceback it's now impossible to debug what caused the error when running with `runpy` without wrapping the entire `` with your own try/except statement.

I'd like to propose either displaying the full traceback by default, or adding a CLI option to enable it at runtime. The fact that it only suppresses *some* tracebacks and not all is a flawed approach surely?

Date User Action Args
2015-11-23 14:49:25sleepycalsetrecipients: + sleepycal, ncoghlan
2015-11-23 14:49:24sleepycalsetmessageid: <>
2015-11-23 14:49:24sleepycallinkissue25708 messages
2015-11-23 14:49:24sleepycalcreate