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Author florin.papa
Recipients florin.papa, pitrou, r.david.murray, rhettinger, skrah, vstinner, zach.ware
Date 2015-10-26.08:08:22
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Hi all,

I updated the patch after fixing crashes that occurred at compile and run time on Ubuntu 15.10, with kernel version 4.2.0-16-generic, LD version 2.25.1 and GCC version 5.2.1. The Python MPX binary will be built with –O0 because other optimization levels will change instruction order and cause crashes, making it useful for debugging purposes. The minimum GCC version was upgraded to 5.2 for the MPX build in order to make sure there is full support for this feature.

All tests from regrtest pass, except pest_pyclbr which also fails on a non-MPX build and two other tests, test_capi and test_faulthandler, which fail because the output expected after a segmentation fault is generated is modified by MPX (which reacts to a memory violation).

The built MPX Python binary was evaluated (“./python -m test.regrtest”) on two older Intel generation processors, Haswell and Broadwell, and no functional issue was observed.  However, we don’t know its impact on third-party extensions.

Thank you,
Date User Action Args
2015-10-26 08:08:33florin.papasetrecipients: + florin.papa, rhettinger, pitrou, vstinner, r.david.murray, skrah, zach.ware
2015-10-26 08:08:32florin.papasetmessageid: <>
2015-10-26 08:08:32florin.papalinkissue25300 messages
2015-10-26 08:08:31florin.papacreate