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Author bwanamarko
Recipients amirouche, bob.ippolito, bwanamarko, chris.jerdonek, eric.araujo, ezio.melotti, flox, georg.brandl, ggenellina, mark.dickinson, r.david.murray, rhettinger, serhiy.storchaka, techtonik, zearin
Date 2015-07-20.21:56:58
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
This is effecting IronPython as well, because .NET objects return copies not references. If a .NET assembly method is called from IronPython, its return is a copy, not a reference. Therefore the reference of a boolean return is not the same as the internal Python reference for that boolean, and the JSON encoder doesn't recognize the value as a boolean, but instead  treats it as an integer, and returns `str(o)`, which for `True` is "True" and for `False` is "False". Then the decoder can't interpret the JSON object because true and false are capitalize, which is not in its spec. :(

See my comment

The patch would solve this problem. A copy of a boolean will be equal to  its value, ie False == False even if their references are not the same.
Date User Action Args
2015-07-20 21:56:59bwanamarkosetrecipients: + bwanamarko, georg.brandl, rhettinger, bob.ippolito, mark.dickinson, ggenellina, techtonik, ezio.melotti, eric.araujo, r.david.murray, flox, chris.jerdonek, amirouche, serhiy.storchaka, zearin
2015-07-20 21:56:59bwanamarkosetmessageid: <>
2015-07-20 21:56:59bwanamarkolinkissue4945 messages
2015-07-20 21:56:58bwanamarkocreate