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Author vyktor
Recipients vyktor
Date 2015-05-07.11:31:04
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
When using pdb -m pdb and entering:

(Pdb) b A.f
Breakpoint 1 at d:\tmp\stack\
(Pdb) commands 2
(com) disable 2
(com) until 13
(com) end

Until doesn't seem to have any effect. When statement is executed manually, everything works as expected (execution halts before implicit return from function).
Date User Action Args
2015-05-07 11:31:05vyktorsetrecipients: + vyktor
2015-05-07 11:31:05vyktorsetmessageid: <>
2015-05-07 11:31:04vyktorlinkissue24140 messages
2015-05-07 11:31:04vyktorcreate