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Author arekfu
Recipients arekfu
Date 2015-05-05.09:21:48
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I have a text file with Windows-style line terminators (\r\n) which I open in universal newlines mode. I would expect the newlines attribute to be set after the first call to the readline() method, but apparently this is not the case:

>>> f=open('test_crlf', 'rU')
>>> f.newlines
>>> f.readline()
>>> f.newlines
>>> f.readline()
>>> f.newlines

On the other hand, the newlines attribute gets set after the first call to readline() on a file with Unix-style line endings.

Also, surprisingly, calling tell() after the first readline() is enough to update the newlines attribute:

>>> f=open('test_crlf', 'rU')
>>> f.newlines
>>> f.readline()
>>> f.newlines
>>> f.tell()
>>> f.newlines

Are these behaviours intended? If so, they should probably be documented.
Date User Action Args
2015-05-05 09:21:49arekfusetrecipients: + arekfu
2015-05-05 09:21:48arekfusetmessageid: <>
2015-05-05 09:21:48arekfulinkissue24126 messages
2015-05-05 09:21:48arekfucreate