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Author dstufft
Recipients alex, barry, bkabrda, doko, dstufft, janssen, ncoghlan, pitrou, r.david.murray, rkuska, vstinner
Date 2015-04-04.01:23:31
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I'd really rather not add this to Python itself. If downstream wants to patch their Pythons to do it that is their prerogative. There's some legacy at play here of course, however I don't think that Python upstream is the right place to deal with that.

One particular problem with this, is it becomes a lot harder to figure out if accessing a https URL is going to be secured or not since you have to also figure out what additional settings have been put into place. It also feels like a really weird setting. You don't see this kind of thing in any other languages or tool that I'm aware of except for single purpose tools.
Date User Action Args
2015-04-04 01:23:33dstufftsetrecipients: + dstufft, barry, doko, ncoghlan, janssen, pitrou, vstinner, alex, r.david.murray, bkabrda, rkuska
2015-04-04 01:23:32dstufftsetmessageid: <>
2015-04-04 01:23:32dstufftlinkissue23857 messages
2015-04-04 01:23:31dstufftcreate