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Author SilentGhost
Recipients SilentGhost, justanr, rhettinger
Date 2015-02-01.18:27:01
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Raymond, but Alec talks about 

  defaultdict.fromkeys(constants, factory=list)

as opposed to current solution

  d = defaultdict.fromkeys(constants)
  d.default_factory = list
  for i in d:
      d[i] = []

I wouldn't think that the dict.fromkeys should be affected by this issue.
Date User Action Args
2015-02-01 18:27:01SilentGhostsetrecipients: + SilentGhost, rhettinger, justanr
2015-02-01 18:27:01SilentGhostsetmessageid: <>
2015-02-01 18:27:01SilentGhostlinkissue23372 messages
2015-02-01 18:27:01SilentGhostcreate