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Author martin.panter
Recipients docs@python, lemburg, martin.panter, ncoghlan, zuo
Date 2015-01-25.01:01:49
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I am certainly no expert, but this is how I understand the three different kinds of codecs are used:

* Stateless codecs: str.encode(), bytes.decode(), etc
* Incremental codecs: TextIOWrapper, IncrementalNewlineDecoder
* Stream codecs: only stuff inside the “codecs” module as far as I know:, EncodedFile() etc.
Date User Action Args
2015-01-25 01:01:49martin.pantersetrecipients: + martin.panter, lemburg, ncoghlan, zuo, docs@python
2015-01-25 01:01:49martin.pantersetmessageid: <>
2015-01-25 01:01:49martin.panterlinkissue23232 messages
2015-01-25 01:01:49martin.pantercreate