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Author mark.dickinson
Recipients geoffreyspear, luisgf, mark.dickinson
Date 2015-01-13.19:33:04
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> is a base-10 zero padded comming from the parsing of a ip string

If you're parsing an ip string, how do you end up with a 000 *literal*?  The SyntaxError only applies to literals in Python code; it doesn't affect conversion from strings to integers.  So you don't need the "base=10" keyword: the following works in both Python 2 and Python 3.

>>> int("000")
>>> int("0019")
Date User Action Args
2015-01-13 19:33:04mark.dickinsonsetrecipients: + mark.dickinson, geoffreyspear, luisgf
2015-01-13 19:33:04mark.dickinsonsetmessageid: <>
2015-01-13 19:33:04mark.dickinsonlinkissue23230 messages
2015-01-13 19:33:04mark.dickinsoncreate