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Author snoeberger
Recipients docs@python, snoeberger
Date 2014-12-24.16:22:52
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The documentation for the Py_SetPath API does not indicate if the argument should point to a wide character array in static storage. However, the documentation for Py_GetPath says, "The returned string points into static storage; the caller should not modify its value." This leads me to believe that static storage is required for Py_SetPath.

The documentation for similar API functions, Py_SetPythonHome and Py_SetProgramName, indicates, "The argument should point to a zero-terminated wide character string in static storage whose contents will not change...".
Date User Action Args
2014-12-24 16:22:53snoebergersetrecipients: + snoeberger, docs@python
2014-12-24 16:22:53snoebergersetmessageid: <>
2014-12-24 16:22:53snoebergerlinkissue23110 messages
2014-12-24 16:22:52snoebergercreate