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Author tinLoaf
Recipients tinLoaf
Date 2014-12-24.10:56:53
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>

Since there is no separate bug tracker for pysha3 (and it is being discussed in some other bug on this tracker), I figured that this is the right place to file this bug. I hope I'm right.

I'm trying to import pysha3, and it fails with the error 

"undefined symbol: _PyUnicode_CheckConsistency"

(full backtrace here: )

I can't find anything useful about this error using Google etc.

I'm using Python 3.3.5 on a current Gentoo Linux. I'm running in a virtualenv, so there should not be too much getting in the way. I basically have Django and pysha3 installed. 

Full output of 'pip freeze': 
Full output of 'python -v':
Date User Action Args
2014-12-24 10:56:54tinLoafsetrecipients: + tinLoaf
2014-12-24 10:56:54tinLoafsetmessageid: <>
2014-12-24 10:56:54tinLoaflinkissue23108 messages
2014-12-24 10:56:53tinLoafcreate