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Author akira
Recipients abacabadabacaba, akira, benhoyt, giampaolo.rodola, josh.r, pitrou, socketpair, tebeka, tim.golden, vstinner
Date 2014-11-26.10:59:02
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> STINNER Victor added the comment:
>> scandir is slower on my machine:
> Please share more information about your config: OS, disk type (hard
> drive, SSD, something else), filesystem, etc.
Ubuntu 14.04, SSD, ext4 filesystem. Results for different python
versions are the same (scandir on pypy is even slower due to ctype

What other information could be useful?

> Ben Hoyt added the comment:
> Akira, note the "Using slower ctypes version of scandir" -- this is
> the older, ctypes implementation of scandir. On Linux, depending on
> file system etc, that can often be slower. You need to at least be
> using the "fast C version" in _scandir.c, which is then half C, half
> Python. But ideally you'd use the all-C version that I've provided as
> a CPython 3.5 patch.

Yes. I've noticed it, that is why I asked :) *"What commands should I
run to benchmark the attached patch (scandir-2.patch)?"*

I've read's source; It happens that it already supports
benchmarking of os.scandir. In my python checkout:

  cpython$ hg import --no-commit
  cpython$ make && cd ../scandir/
  scandir$ ../cpython/python -s /usr/
  Using Python 3.5's builtin os.scandir()
  Comparing against builtin version of os.walk()
  Priming the system's cache...
  Benchmarking walks on /usr/, repeat 1/3...
  Benchmarking walks on /usr/, repeat 2/3...
  Benchmarking walks on /usr/, repeat 3/3...
  os.walk size 7925376343, scandir.walk size 5534939617 -- NOT EQUAL!
  os.walk took 13.552s, scandir.walk took 6.032s -- 2.2x as fast

It seems os.walk and scandir.walk do a different work here.

I've written get_tree_size_listdir_fd() that mimics get_tree_size() 
(see get_tree_size_listdir.diff patch) to get the same size:

  scandir$ ../cpython/python -s /usr
  Using Python 3.5's builtin os.scandir()
  Comparing against builtin version of os.walk()
  Comparing against get_tree_size_listdir_fd
  Priming the system's cache...
  Benchmarking walks on /usr, repeat 1/3...
  Benchmarking walks on /usr, repeat 2/3...
  Benchmarking walks on /usr, repeat 3/3...
  os.walk size 5534939617, scandir.walk size 5534939617 -- equal
  os.walk took 5.697s, scandir.walk took 5.621s -- 1.0x as fast

scandir is not noticeably faster but scandir-based code is much nicer here.
Date User Action Args
2014-11-26 10:59:02akirasetrecipients: + akira, tebeka, pitrou, vstinner, giampaolo.rodola, tim.golden, benhoyt, abacabadabacaba, socketpair, josh.r
2014-11-26 10:59:02akirasetmessageid: <>
2014-11-26 10:59:02akiralinkissue22524 messages
2014-11-26 10:59:02akiracreate