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Author pitrou
Recipients docs@python, dstufft, eric.araujo, ncoghlan, pitrou, python-dev
Date 2014-10-25.14:20:17
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Le 25/10/2014 15:37, Nick Coghlan a écrit :
> Since the community has been so successful at shouting down most
previous attempts at fundamental Python packaging ecosystem
improvements, I am extraordinarily hostile to anything that even hints
at attempting to do so again.

You're saying that to the guy who wanted distutils2 to stay in the stdlib.

> I added several previously missing hyperlinks,

This is good. Thank you Nick!
Date User Action Args
2014-10-25 14:20:17pitrousetrecipients: + pitrou, ncoghlan, eric.araujo, docs@python, python-dev, dstufft
2014-10-25 14:20:17pitroulinkissue22711 messages
2014-10-25 14:20:17pitroucreate