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Author cool-RR
Recipients cool-RR, ethan.furman
Date 2014-10-10.15:07:36
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Ethan: I'm very confused by your example. `huh` isn't even a method, why would it be included? Or are you saying "if it was a method"? I'm really not sure what your example is adding over mine, given that it's 10 times longer and more complex. I'm not sure why you'd want to demonstrate the bug in a 50-line code sample that has non-trivial logic when it's demonstrable in a simple 5-line code sample.
Date User Action Args
2014-10-10 15:07:36cool-RRsetrecipients: + cool-RR, ethan.furman
2014-10-10 15:07:36cool-RRsetmessageid: <>
2014-10-10 15:07:36cool-RRlinkissue22506 messages
2014-10-10 15:07:36cool-RRcreate