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Author Alecz
Recipients Alecz, dwoz, ezio.melotti, giampaolo.rodola, janssen, jeffknupp, orsenthil, pitrou, python-dev, r.david.murray
Date 2014-07-24.16:29:50
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Actually, because of issue 18543, urlopen will not use the custom opener if one was defined, instead, it will create a new opener with check_hostname = True.

So it is impossible to skip hostname checking without overriding the urlopen method.

I don't understand why can't we allow check_hostmane to be set to False in urlopen and also why we don't allow custom openers to be used by urlopen if specifying a ca*.

Moreover this forced restriction is not documented. I had to go to the source code to figure out why it wasn't working.

This issue being resolved makes it even more misleading.
Date User Action Args
2014-07-24 16:29:51Aleczsetrecipients: + Alecz, janssen, orsenthil, pitrou, giampaolo.rodola, ezio.melotti, r.david.murray, python-dev, jeffknupp, dwoz
2014-07-24 16:29:51Aleczsetmessageid: <>
2014-07-24 16:29:51Aleczlinkissue17483 messages
2014-07-24 16:29:51Aleczcreate