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Author tumert
Recipients legordian, sbt, tumert, zach.ware
Date 2014-06-22.20:30:52
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Another option is instead of adding a timeout parameter, a new function to check if everything is done. Like:

def all_tasks_finished(self)
    return self._unfinished_tasks._semlock._is_zero()

Which can then be utilized exactly shown in the above noted stackoverflow answer. This way it will be consistent with
Date User Action Args
2014-06-22 20:30:53tumertsetrecipients: + tumert, sbt, zach.ware, legordian
2014-06-22 20:30:53tumertsetmessageid: <>
2014-06-22 20:30:53tumertlinkissue15983 messages
2014-06-22 20:30:52tumertcreate