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Author paul.moore
Recipients dstufft, jkloth, ncoghlan, paul.moore
Date 2014-02-13.21:08:38
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
This is still the case in the 3.4rc0 Windows installer. Could we get something definite for 3.4 final? It may be too late for that to be anything other than documenting that the command "pip" is not available, but given that most 3rd party documents use "pip" as the command, it probably is worth being explicit.
Date User Action Args
2014-02-13 21:08:39paul.mooresetrecipients: + paul.moore, ncoghlan, jkloth, dstufft
2014-02-13 21:08:38paul.mooresetmessageid: <>
2014-02-13 21:08:38paul.moorelinkissue20139 messages
2014-02-13 21:08:38paul.moorecreate